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Repository for LOC systems' configuration files.
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This daemon helps Staff manage the Cloud Server. Written with TypeScript and using multiple libraries. Including Eris, Mongoose, Redis, Node Mailer, Axios, and more...
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frontend for https://report.libraryofcode.org/ | backend is available at https://gitlab.libraryofcode.org/engineering/communityrelations
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frontend for https://report.libraryofcode.org/ | backend is available at https://gitlab.libraryofcode.org/engineering/communityrelations
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This daemon helps Staff manage the Cloud Server. Written with TypeScript and using multiple libraries. Including Eris, Mongoose, Redis, Node Mailer, Axios, and more...
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This is the third iteration of the directory, written using Bootstrap 5 and other various libraries.
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This repository is to be used for internal tracking and reporting of issues that need to be handled by the Dept. of Engineering.
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A program written in Go with tools for interacting with the LOC Cloud Services Daemon. Allows Comm™ Score readouts, RAM Usage monitoring and more! [FOSS]
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This daemon helps Staff manage the Cloud Server. Written with TypeScript and using multiple libraries. Including Discord.js, Mongoose, Redis, Node Mailer, Axios, and more...